Headaches, Chills, and a Tingling Feeling

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If you’ve overcome the intense desire to light up a nicotine cigarette, then you’ve passed the first test.

Next, your body will begin detoxing itself of the nicotine still in your body. However, your body is accustomed to nicotine, and it’s not going to let go without a fight.

After 2-4-hours of your last cigarette, you will experience headaches, chills, and even a tingling feeling in your hands and feet.

Each of these stop smoking symptoms ranges from doable to outright unbearable.

It’s incredibly difficult to deal with these symptoms that persist once you stop smoking; however , you’ll need to grit your teeth and push forward if you want to actually stop smoking.

Herbal Cigarettes are made from a wide variety of plants that contain health benefits that can help you exactly in these moments until you completely stop smoking.

So yes, experiencing a sick feeling because you quit smoking can be frustrating.

Headache and fever are known to be unpleasant, and who can help you if not your garden smokable herbs.

Menthol has the ability to increase the sensitivity of cold-sensitive skin receptors, thus creating its famous cool feeling.

This is exactly why you will feel fresher and your heat will probably go down after smoking mint.

As a result of this effect, you will also experience relief from the headache, Which will allow you to relax and not enter the stress cycle "OMG , I stop smoking and it's so hard".       

If you want to learn about a nicotine free cigarette that also contains a variety of Chinese herbal medicines that are good for you, you can click on us 

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