Korea has been no. 1 in the world for 8 years in a row and lost it after all. Why do Koreans always break the defense?

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    South Korea is a small country with a total population of just over 50 million, even smaller than that of some Chinese provinces.  

    But it is obvious to all, their Korean, self-esteem is very strong, often not in the broken defense, is in the broken defense on the road, and also very like to touch porcelain, is why?  

    South Korea is no longer the world's largest consumer of instant noodles.  

Since 2013, South Korea has consistently topped the world in per-capita instant noodle consumption.  

    It is well known how much Koreans love to eat instant noodles.  In many South Korean dramas or variety shows, instant noodles are never absent.  

    Koreans have almost made instant noodles into their lives. They can do without staple foods such as rice, but they cannot do without instant noodles.  

    But last year, the dark horse suddenly appeared and knocked South Korea to the ground.  

    South Korea lost out to an unexpected country, Vietnam, with consumption of 73 bales per capita.  

    With a 14-bale gap between the two countries, Vietnam has overtaken Korea as the world's largest consumer with 87 bales per capita.  

    The ambitious South Koreans had hoped to win a 10th consecutive title, only to be overtaken by Vietnam with only two years to go.  

    South Korea was "robbed" the first even if, and that country should still be Vietnam such a plain and ordinary, in the international reputation of the country, South Korea is really angry.  

    It is hard not to wonder why Korea is so easy to break the defense again.  Is it really just pride? (learn more )

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