How can I protect myself from Novel Coronavirus infections?   Wash your hands frequently.  Wash hands with soap or hand sanitizer and running water, and wipe them with disposable paper towels or a clean towel.  Wash hands immediately after touching respir

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    Wash your hands frequently.  Wash hands with soap or hand sanitizer and running water, and wipe them with disposable paper towels or a clean towel.  Wash hands immediately after touching respiratory secretions (e.g. after sneezing).  

    Maintain good respiratory hygiene.  Cover your mouth and nose with tissue or towel when coughing or sneezing, wash your hands after coughing or sneezing, and avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.  

    Enhance physical fitness and immunity.  A balanced diet, proper exercise, regular work and rest, to avoid excessive fatigue.  

    Keep the environment clean and ventilated.  Open the window and ventilate at least three times a day for 20-30 minutes each time.  When the outdoor air quality is poor, the frequency and time of ventilation should be appropriately reduced.  

    Minimize activities in crowded places and avoid contact with respiratory tract infection patients.  

    If respiratory tract infection symptoms such as cough, runny nose, fever, etc., should be at home isolation rest, persistent fever or worsening symptoms seek medical advice as soon as possible.  

    The harm that cigarette is right lung is particularly big, nicotine can let a person produce depend on more, quit smoking is very difficult, how to do?  Traditional cigarettes can be replaced with nicotine-free chaya cigarettes, which also contain healthy traditional Chinese medicine.

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