Knowledge of cigars

How to Identify Fresh Cigars Fresh cigars have a springy body and no sound when rubbed lightly. Before lighting the cigar, hold it to your ear, hold it with your index finger and thumb and rub it gently. If you don't hear any cracking sound, it is a fresh cigar. The knowledge of lighting a cigar Light yourself up and use regular matches (the longer the better). After lighting the match, wait for a few seconds for the sulfur to dissipate, then turn the cigar body on the flame to slightly roast it, and then evenly light the cigar head. The head should not touch the cigar directly. Why use matches to light a cigar Cigars are tobacco leaves, plus handmade masterpieces, lighting it will emit a natural tobacco leaf aroma. Therefore, fuel that will affect the aroma of cigars should not be used, such as gasoline lighters, because gasoline lighters have a chemical smell. Of course, butane lighters and cigar lighters have their own advantages. Using a waxed match will also affect the aroma of the cigar when lit. Special matches, the sulphur of the matches has been specially treated, and it has the aroma of cedar when it is ignited, which is a good choice. Matches or special lighters most commonly used to light cigars A specially made long wooden match, usually called the cigar match, that is, a cigar match. It is twice as long as ordinary matches, and is made of firewood, so it burns more slowly. You can buy cigar matches, these matches are some famous brands, such as Davidoff, Danhill have cigar matches; or some high-end hotels, there are also long matches with the logo of the hotel, but they may not be for sale, so you can also use ordinary matches. . Use cedar chips, which are the size of the box attached to the top of many Cuban premium humidors. The aroma of cedar wood chips can blend with the cigar aroma. With a long-lasting cigar aroma. You can tear cedar into strips, light it with a regular match, and light a cigar with it. Use a cigar-specific lighter, which uses butane instead of gasoline. The fire is stable and does not emit a chemical smell when burning. Blazer torch, that is, flamethrower is a relatively fashionable product, and its fuel also uses butane, and there are desktop, pen and portable types. The table-type flamethrower is similar to an upright pistol. Before use, turn the safety switch to open, and then press the trigger-like button, and the flame will be sprayed. Its flame is concentrated and will not be extinguished. Just loosen it up. The pen type and the portable type belong to the cylinder, and the switch can be turned.

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