Matters needing attention of bamboo leaf tea


1. The decocting method of bamboo leaves must be scientific, and can not be decocted for a long time, or it will lead to the reduction of medicinal effect. In general, we use bamboo leaves are the choice of fresh, but also are the leaves for brewing, so that the effect is better, can better play the role of bamboo leaves.

2. Bamboo tea on women’s uterus has a certain stimulus, easy to cause uterine contraction, women drink bamboo tea during pregnancy will cause miscarriage or fetal movement.

3. The bamboo leaf tea has the very good diuretic clearing away heat the function, suits the urine not smooth patient to take. However, if it is kidney deficit and micturition urgent patients take, not only the disease can not be effectively controlled, but will aggravate the disease, it is best not to take.

4. Drinking bamboo leaf tea will not cause any harm to the body, and there are no toxic side effects. However, in order to maximize the effectiveness of bamboo leaves, many people take large quantities of bamboo tea every day, which is very wrong behavior. Daily in the bamboo leaf water when drinking must master the amount of excessive consumption is not good.

on the efficacy and functions of bamboo tea and taboo related to the content of the introduction here, I hope that today’s sharing can help you, I wish you a happy life, good health.

Learn more about the tea smoke

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