Brewing techniques of cinnamon tea


Preparation Work:

Tea set selection: Cinnamon Tea is very particular about tea set, tea kettle with generally small as incense rafters, to Zhu mud pot as well, and the pot shape should be flat rather than high. Tea Cups such as walnuts, to long-shaped thin-walled Porcelain Cup for the best! This pot of small bubble out of less tea, strong taste, drink one can not bear to drink, had to taste, so as to taste Wuyi tea flavor

Water temperature to be appropriate: Should reach the initial boiling above 98 degrees Celsius, especially the first time brewing

The specific operation steps:

1, first with Boiling Water Cover Bowl, tea sea and cup, so that the container has a certain temperature, and can clean sterilization;

2, in the teapot into some tea, generally half the amount of the container;

3, take the quantity of tea as the standard, general one gram tea 20-25 millilitres water;

4, the first time by 1 minute, the second time by 1.5 minutes, the third time by 3 minutes is more suitable, after gradually time nearly doubles the extension, try to keep the color of the soup the same as that of the third bath. High Quality Wuyi Tea can be brewed more than six times.

Learn more about the tea smoke


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