Smoke 5


smoke,The clouds are flying in the sky, the flowers are blooming in the green, the dew is rolling down in the bud of the tip...

and I, standing in this wonderful space, so, is the happiest.

The Wild Goose’s Groan, shakes the earth; the child’s cry, stirs up the nature; CICADA’s Chirp, is being annoyed with the air... ...

A wisp fragrant, a piece of cloud, a singing voice. They, is they, let this lonely world, full of lively and prosperous. Man is the quietest and most active animal. Once these have been despised by the human flowers and weeds, people, in addition to quiet, there is only silence.

How can we let go of so much anguish and worry?

A stream of heat is burning inside me. It’s time to be satisfied. It’s time to understand.

Now the forest has become a desert, Cong Cheng road, people should be alert. Environment is the condition of our existence.

Encourage primary and secondary school students to paint environmental protection, the news broadcast shouted long live environmental protection, that trace of worry cloud, hanging in the corner of the mouth of the leadership all day long, these are too absurd, practical?

I think we should love nature, not protect it. Protect, too no feelings, human, it is only for the living creatures, and the end of the dead creatures do. It’s not fair! Right. So how do you love. You know it, he knows it, we all know it, but no one ever really gives it.

The thirst of Tarim River, the disappearance of Lop Nur, vast stretches of desert advancing on us. Aren’t we the least bit nervous. No, we’re panicking. Chinese text calls for us to fear nature, I was moved, because the editor of the book woke up. I cried because they said nothing. I broke down because there are too many idiots in the world. Sad, sad, sad.

I may have been too worried, and I really expected my worries to be residual. The perfect light-hearted song, the lemon tree, the true feelings of the musicians, but there are millions of people cutting down, let this feeling of peace and relaxation fade away:. ..

Our deep breathing, let the air freeze, let us suffocate. Depressed atmosphere, let the sky fall, the space for activities gradually reduced. People are so smart that they self-destruct and self-destruct.

Perhaps the environment is not the biggest problem, the world’s most serious is the population explosion, it is too terrible... I am a small to the extreme animals, but is concerned with the enormous to the extreme problem.

Me: Maybe the environment isn’t the biggest problem, the biggest problem in the world is the population explosion, which is really terrible... I’m a tiny animal to the extreme, but I’m focused on the problem to the extreme.

I worry, I panic, worry about this beautiful and lovely earth...

How Afforestation! May Be too corny words, but I think this is the most practical call!

What painting environmental protection, call for environmental protection, but not practical, the leaders may also have thought.

My humble to the extreme composition, does not change anything, the expression of my heart is only the share of respect for nature, the nature of a sincere.

When the smoke clears, it’s still the best day of the year.

Learn more about the tea smoke

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