The power of gold leaf tea


         Gold Leaf tea contains polysaccharides, amino acids, flavonoids and other compounds, but also rich in essential human zinc, selenium, Germanium and other micronutrient, there is a very obvious health effect, then which group of people suitable for drinking gold leaf tea?


           China Pharmaceutical University Pharmacological Studies confirmed that the water extract and alcohol extract of Golden Leaf Tea tender leaves have significant hypotensive effect on rabbit blood pressure, while breathing faster and deeper, but on the heart rate and ECG had no significant effect; It can also promote the gastrointestinal peristalsis of mice and prolong the survival time of mice under normobaric hypoxia. Among them, the pharmacological activity of water extract is more outstanding. It has been reported that tea polysaccharides and total flavonoids have the effects of lowering blood pressure, anti cancer, anti bacterial, diuretic and Protective Vascular permeability, anti inflammation, anti coagulation, dilating coronary arteries and improving blood circulation, protecting liver and gallbladder, and lowering cholesterol.

Hypoglycemic effect:

        The comprehensive content of Tea polysaccharide in the insulin of the Golden Leaf tea plant is as high as 7.1% (the content of tea polysaccharide in the common tea is 1.292 as 4.529%) , which can protect the islet cells, improve the anti-oxidation ability and scavenge free radicals of the body, the effect of increasing insulin levels. Insulin can promote the uptake and use of glucose by the whole body cells, and inhibit the breakdown of glycogen and Gluconeogenesis. Therefore, insulin has the effect of Lowering Blood Glucose.

Hypolipidemic effect:

          Tea Polyphenol, tea polysaccharide, total flavanone still can reduce plasma total cholesterol content, reduce adipose cell to accumulate, accelerate fat metabolization. The glycolipid compounds surrounding the islet cells were stripped off, and the metabolic burden of the liver and kidney was greatly reduced.

Enhance the body immunity effect:

           Gold Leaf tea contains natural tea polyphenols, tea polyphenols have a strong role in the elimination of harmful free radicals. Clearing the blood vessels of sediment is usually vascular so plant protein tea (golden leaf tea)“Vascular scavenger laudatory.”

Antioxidant, anti aging effect:

             the Gold Leaf Tea contains micronutrient and organic components. Selenium is an important component of Glutathione peroxidase in human red blood cells and has antioxidant, protective cell membrane and cardiovascular effects. Selenium combined with vitamin E is an important free radical scavenger in the body. The research shows that organic Germanium also has the function of anti-lipid oxidation, and the flavonoids can regulate the physiological function of the body and play the role of anti-aging.

Weight loss, beauty effect:

        Gold Leaf tea contains natural vitamin E up to 27% . Vitamin E in the beauty care of the role can not be ignored. Because the oxidation of human sebum is one of the main causes of skin aging, and vitamin E has antioxidant effect, thus protecting the Sebum and cell membrane proteins and skin moisture. It can also promote the regeneration and vitality of human cells, delaying the aging process of cells. In addition, it can also promote the use of vitamin A by the human body. It can work synergistically with vitamin C to protect the health of the skin and reduce the occurrence of skin infections. It has a “Moisturizing”effect on Collagen and elastic fibers in the skin, to improve and maintain the skin’s elasticity, to promote blood circulation in the skin, to make the skin get sufficient nutrition and moisture, to maintain the skin’s tenderness and luster, and to inhibit the formation of pigment spots and age spots, reduce facial wrinkles and Whiten skin, prevent and treat acne.

Learn more about the tea smoke

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