Red Bean and Pearl Barley tea can help you lose weight


Red Bean and Pearl Barley tea can help you lose weight. Because red beans and Coix lacryma-jobi are a kind of coarse grains, rich in dietary fiber, if eaten during weight loss, can be conducive to promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis, is conducive to bowel Catharsis, the elimination of excess toxins in the body, for weight loss has certain benefits, and red bean barley tea also has a certain sense of fullness, can reduce the intake of other foods, is conducive to promoting weight loss. 

the benefits of Red Bean and job’s tears tea .

1.Invigorating the spleen and removing dampness because red bean has the function of invigorating the spleen and stopping diarrhea, promoting diuresis and detumescence. But the job’s tears have the effect of promoting water detumescence, invigorating spleen and removing dampness, relaxing tendons and removing arthralgia, clearing away heat and pus, and can promote blood circulation and water metabolism in Vivo. Therefore, red bean and job’s tears tea has the function of invigorating the spleen and removing dampness.

2. DIURESIS detumescence red bean and Coix lacryma-jobi have a good diuretic detumescence effect, for people with Edema, moderate drinking some red bean job’s tears tea is conducive to the elimination of excess water in the body, reduce the edema, at the same time is conducive to reducing the metabolic burden of the kidney, for the circulation of the body has a certain help.

3. Lose weight red beans are rich in vitamin B, a large number of dietary fiber and natural phospholipids, these substances can speed up the body’s metabolism, but also can prevent fat accumulation in the body. But the job’s tears contain the rich water-soluble fiber, may absorb is responsible for digesting the fat the Bile Salt, causes the intestinal tract to the fat absorption rate to reduce, thus plays the thin body the effect.

Learn more about the tea smoke

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