Balsam pear tea


Balsam pear tea is of high quality fresh balsam pear and lotus plumule as the main raw material, using new technology in low temperature, scientific processing, retained the natural biological activity of balsam pear, is a kind of pure quality, easy to brew, fragrance, taste good health drink, detailed look at the effect and function of momordica charantia tea here.

The effect of balsam pear tea and function

1. The diuresis to lose weight

Balsam pear tea contain balsam pear glycosides and balsam pear and other nutrients, to speed up the fat burning in the human body, and the other active ingredients it contains can also direct effects on the human kidney, can improve the renal function, promote the generation and discharge of urine, it to the human body fat and urination, as well as the body dropsy and so on a variety of adverse symptoms have significant relief effect.

2. Cancer anticancer

Balsam pear tea protein composition and a lot of vitamin C can improve the body's immune function, make the immune cells to kill cancer cells; Also contains some protein ingredients, can strengthen the scavenger ability, clinically effective for lymphatic sarcoma and leukemia.

3. Mothproof protection

The fluoride ions in balsam pear tea, teeth can form protective film, for sour, spicy food stimulation such as teeth have the effect of isolation, can also prevent tooth decay.

4. Prolong life

In the momordica charantia tea contains rich vitamin B1, vitamin C and a variety of minerals, the drink of southeast Asia is very common, but also the secret recipe of local residents stay healthy longevity. Long-term drinking can enhance the resistance of the body, prolong life.

5. Beauty to raise colour

Balsam pear tea can improve the activity of human skin cells, and can diminish inflammation sterilization, can inhibit pigment accumulation, more people use balsam pear tea bubble water to drink at ordinary times can nourish skin, tender skin can also prevent acne and acne, often drink balsam pear can hairdressing to raise colour tea, delay skin aging, also can let the skin become more and more delicate.

6. Promote appetite

Bitter principle of balsam pear tea can stimulate the increase of the salivary gland secretion, better alleviate the symptoms of dry mouth and thirst of diabetic patients. Balsam pear tea bubble water to drink has the very good help digestion, appetite also will be improved, in addition to a variety of gastrointestinal disease, constipation, and internal and external hemorrhoids also has very good therapeutic effect.

Based on the above, the reading, I believe everyone of balsam pear tea efficacy and effect of know already, I hope the above content can help to you, I wish you a happy life, healthy body.

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