Which does Dahongpao have to keep in good health effect, the effect of Dahongpao tea drink



There is a substance in the leaves of Dahongpao tea called Mnng, also known as tea Cui N fo n Fo fo n Fo fo n nitroso pulse, which inhibits the action of a substance that can induce malignant tumors in the intestinal tract. Therefore, Dahongpao Tea’s anti-cancer effect is very obvious. But Dahongpao, like other teas, is limited to preventing cancer, not curing it

Da Hong Pao can improve the body’s immunity

If the body’s immune system drops, it will often get sick, and there is better than the average person slow. Dahongpao can enhance the lymphocyte response stimulated by CONA, protect and regulate the immune function induced by nitroso-nitroso pulse (MNNG) , and improve the disease resistance in Vivo. In this regard, we would like to make it clear that in order to improve human immunity is more important from the start of Diet and exercise, drinking red robe can only be an auxiliary means. It is very unscientific that we can not put all our efforts to improve our immunity on tea.

The Great Red Robe protects your teeth

Toothpaste is able to strengthen teeth, mainly because toothpaste contains fluoride. The fluoride content of Dahongpao tea is between 27.3 and 146.6 PPM, so drinking Dahongpao regularly can whiten teeth and strengthen bones. In addition, the overnight Dahongpao tea can also eliminate bad breath, to prevent plaque on the surface of the pressure difference adhesion. But overnight tea is also harmful to the body, so overnight tea as little as possible to drink

Da Hong Pao can be beautified and beautified

Dahongpao can reduce the content of blood fat, cholesterol and triglyceride, promote the activity of pancreatic fat decomposing enzyme, inhibit the increase of neutral fat, and achieve the effect of weight loss and beauty. In addition, Dahongpao Tea Polyphenol, tea polyphenol can improve the whole blood (GSH -- px) activity, help to eliminate the body biological free radicals, reduce harm, thus achieve the effect of delaying human aging.

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