The effect of smoking on the lungs

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     The influence of smoking on lung is mainly reflected in the damage of cilia in respiratory tract, increase of mucus secretion and carcinogenesis

     Respiratory cilia damaged: long-term smoking, causes the carbon monoxide in the smoke, nicotine, tar and other harmful substances into the respiratory system, can make the bronchial mucosa damage and pulmonary mucosa cilia, shorter, can't normal movement, thus reducing the removal of the cilia function, make a lot of toxin accumulation in the lungs, the likely lesions such as pneumonia and bronchitis. 

     Mucus secretion increases: long-term smoking, respiratory mucosa by cigarette harmful substances repeated stimulation, mucosal hyperemia edema, hyperplasia, hypertrophy of glands under the mucosa, airway secretions increased significantly, often cough, cough phlegm symptoms.  If secretions can not be cleared in time, there will be bronchial blockage, which over time will induce emphysema, pulmonary heart disease and other diseases, affecting normal breathing. 

     Carcinogenesis: there are many carcinogens in cigarettes, long-term smoking makes lung lesions, lung function is reduced, repeatedly stimulated by carcinogens, it is likely to develop into lung cancer, seriously affecting the survival of patients. 

   Cigarettes are addictive and harmful to health, but health experts have developed nicotine-free cigarettes that are slowly becoming an alternative to cigarettes and contain a variety of healthy Chinese medicines.---->>more

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