Effect and function of Gynostemma Pentaphyllum tea


In many people’s eyes, Gynostemma Pentaphyllum is a kind of Chinese medicine, but they don’t know that it is a kind of plant with the same origin as medicine and food. After it is picked and dried in the sun, it can not only be used as medicine, but also be made into a health tea for people to brew and drink, after people drink can absorb rich nutrition, can also prevent three high, it is to improve the level of human health has great benefits. 

Gynostemma Pentaphyllum is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which is called Southern Ginseng. Tea made from Gynostemma Pentaphyllum has the following effects: First, Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Saponin, which is contained in Colloidal Gynostemma Pentaphyllum, has the effect of lowering blood sugar and blood fat; Second, gYNOSTEMMA Pentaphyllum tea contains saponins with antipyretic and anti-cancer effects; the third has the effect of Benefiting Qi and strengthening spleen; the fourth has the effect of relieving cough and resolving phlegm, which is mainly used to treat cough with phlegm caused by deficiency of both Qi and Yin; the fifth, gYNOSTEMMA Pentaphyllum tea can adjust the central nervous system, with anti-fatigue, promote sleep effect.

Gynostemma Pentaphyllum belongs to the Chinese Medicine Tonic for Qi, which has the properties of Gan, Ku, Han, Zhu in spleen and lung Meridian, and has the functions of benefiting Qi and strengthening spleen, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, clearing away heat and detoxicating. Clinical use: 1, SPLEEN AND STOMACH QI deficiency caused by tiredness and weakness, poor food intake. 2, Lung Qi deficiency caused by cough expectorant. 3. Cancer patients with Febrile illness. Gynostemma Pentaphyllum contains a variety of saponins, polysaccharides, flavonoids, vitamins, amino acids, terpenoids, alkaloids and other components, modern pharmacology confirmed that its anti-oxidation and anti-high temperature effect; It has the functions of anti-cerebral Ischemia, anti-thrombus and inhibiting platelet aggregation, sedative, hypnotic and analgesic, and improving memory.

Learn more about the tea smoke  :internationalcigarette.com


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