The dangers of smoking to the lungs

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     Smoking is especially harmful to the lungs. When cigarettes burn, they release a lot of toxic chemicals, which can cause chronic pathological changes in bronchi or alveoli and trachea, leading to bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary heart disease, and even lung cancer.  Because smoke will lead to necrosis and shedding of epithelial cells and cilia of the bronchial mucosa, the removal ability of harmful substances will also be reduced, so it is particularly prone to infection.  There are many carcinogenic substances in smoke, so it is easy to cause the occurrence of lung cancer, is very dangerous, especially long-term smoking patients, more prone to lung cancer or other lung diseases.  

     In addition, smoking also has a great impact on the cardiovascular system, which is easy to lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, aggravating the load of the heart and increasing the heartbeat.  Therefore, smoking has a great impact on the lungs and cardiovascular system. Do not smoke. If there is a smoking situation, it is better to quit smoking as soon as possible. 

    Cigarettes are addictive and harmful to health, but health experts have developed nicotine-free cigarettes that are slowly becoming an alternative to cigarettes and contain a variety of healthy Chinese medicines.---->>more

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