Smoking tea is healthier than cigarettes

As more and more people smoke, in this new era, "tea cigarettes" have become a substitute for cigarettes. In fact, judging from the name of tea cigarettes, even non-smokers know that tea cigarettes refer to cigarettes made from tea leaves, which are healthier than cigarettes. Some stars are filming TV series, movies, etc. Due to the requirements of the working group, in order to achieve real effects, tea cigarettes will be used instead of cigarettes. Moreover, in the publicity of the major sales of tea cigarettes, it is also mentioned that tea cigarettes do not contain nicotine, which is compared with traditional tobacco. In particular, the recognized carcinogenic components, including nicotine, particulate matter content, tar, etc., are much lower. So overall, it's healthier than regular tobacco, but is that really the case? In addition to the claim that tea cigarettes are healthier than cigarettes, many people believe that tea cigarettes can help old smokers quit smoking. In an investigation and experiment, it was found that from the comparison of tea cigarettes and traditional cigarettes, the harmful components in tea cigarettes are much less, but in the process of burning tea cigarettes, tea will also produce toxic and harmful chemical components, such as Carbon monoxide, smoke particles, even tar, etc. In this process, it will also be inhaled by the lungs. Once exposed for a long time, it will also increase the harm of alveolar blockage, which is also a great harm to health. I believe that anyone who has tried tea cigarettes will know that the overall taste of tea cigarettes is far inferior to that of ordinary tobacco.

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