The efficacy and taboo of Jasmine tea


Because many people caused by lung heat, often cough and phlegm, feel throat secretions, you can drink jasmine tea, dispel lung heat, can add some Houttuynia Qingfei heat, the effect is very good. Jasmine tea has a refreshing effect. Drink Jasmine tea, can calm the mood and relieve depression. Often drink Jasmine tea, can beauty whitening skin, can also resist aging, but also dredge the human intestines and stomach, defecation, Shun Qi, clear the brain, reduce blood pressure and blood lipids, with the effect of detoxification. Jasmine tea not only relieves bad breath, but also prevents tooth decay. Do not drink at night or on an empty stomach if you do not sleep well or are in poor health.

Jasmine tea also has the effect of Activating Qi and activating depression. Because Jasmine tea contains a volatile oil substances, this volatile oil substances with the line gas pain, depression Sanjie role, but also to alleviate chest and abdominal pain, dysentery after acute severe and other symptoms. Jasmine tea is considered a good dietary supplement for pain relief.

Jasmine has anti inflammatory and detoxifying properties. Drinking Jasmine on a variety of bacteria have an inhibitory effect, oral and external use, can treat red eyes, sores, skin ulcers and other inflammatory diseases. In addition, Jasmine tea has been shown to be effective in treating diarrhea, abdominal pain, conjunctivitis, and sores. The Jasmine tea has a refreshing effect. Drinking Jasmine tea calms the mind and relieves depression.

Learn more about the tea smoke


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