type of tobacco

folded flue-cured tobacco Flue-cured tobacco, also known as fire-tube flue-cured tobacco, originates from Virginia in the United States and has special morphological characteristics, so it is also called Virginia type. The main feature of flue-cured tobacco is that the plant is tall and the leaves are distributed sparsely and evenly. Generally, the height of the plant is 120-150cm, and there are 20-30 leaves per plant. The leaves are moderately thick and the quality of the middle is the best. It is not advisable to apply too much nitrogen fertilizer in cultivation. The leaves mature from bottom to top and are harvested in stages. The original preparation method was also drying, and later (1869) switched to fire tube roasting, which was prepared in a roasting room and turned golden brown after roasting. Its chemical composition is characterized by high sugar content, low protein content and moderate nicotine content. Flue-cured tobacco is the type of tobacco with the largest cultivation area in my country and the world. It is the main raw material of the cigarette industry and is also used as pipe tobacco. The countries that produce flue-cured tobacco in the world mainly include China, the United States, and India, followed by Brazil, Zimbabwe, Thailand, Canada, and Japan. my country's flue-cured tobacco planting area and total output ranks first in the world. The key producing areas are Henan, Shandong, Yunnan, Guizhou, Heilongjiang, Hunan, Hubei, Shaanxi, Anhui and other provinces, and Sichuan, Guangdong, Fujian, Liaoning, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Jilin and other provinces (regions) also have large areas of cultivation. folded tanning tobacco The tobacco leaves of sun-cured tobacco are modulated by sunlight, and there are mainly sun-cured tobacco and yellow-cured tobacco. Generally, the appearance characteristics and chemical components of yellow-cured tobacco are similar to those of flue-cured tobacco, while red-cured tobacco is quite different from flue-cured tobacco. The leaves of red sunburn tobacco are generally less and the mesophyll is thicker. They are harvested in stages or at one time. After drying, they are mostly dark brown or brown, and the upper leaves are of the best quality. Tobacco leaves are generally low in sugar, high in protein and nicotine, and have a strong smoke flavor. Sun-cured tobacco is mainly used for pipe tobacco, hookah and cigarettes, and also as raw materials for cigar core leaves, bunch leaves, snuff and chewing tobacco. In addition, some sun-cured tobacco can be processed into pesticides. The major countries in the world producing sun-cured tobacco are China and India. All provinces in my country have sun-cured tobacco planting, but the distribution is scattered, and the more concentrated ones are Sichuan, Guangdong, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei, Yunnan, Jilin, Shandong, Shaanxi and other provinces. folded yellow smoke According to the shade of the leaves, the sun-dried tobacco is divided into light-colored and dark-colored tobacco. There are three kinds of preparation methods: half drying and half baking, folding and drying. In general, sun-cured tobacco is close to flue-cured tobacco, especially light-colored sun-cured tobacco. It is similar to flue-cured tobacco in appearance, chemical composition, smoke and taste. Dark-colored yellow tobacco is a type between light-colored and red-colored tobacco. Compared with light-colored yellow tobacco, the leaves are darker, contain more nitrogen, and have lower sugar content. These differences, in addition to variety factors, are mainly due to different cultivation conditions and modulation methods. The main producing areas of sun-dried tobacco are Nanxiong in Guangdong, Huanggang and Junxian in Hubei, Jiaohe in Jilin, Guangfeng and Shangrao in Jiangxi. folded red smoke Refers to the reddish-brown tobacco leaves after drying. This kind of red sun smoke can be subdivided into old red, secondary red and dark brown. Sunburn tobacco is the raw material for the manufacture of mixed cigarettes, cut tobacco and pipe tobacco. Good-quality sunburned tobacco is also the raw material for making cigar core leaves and inner foreskin. For example, Guangdong Heshan Tobacco, Sichuan Suoyan Tobacco, Guizhou Dabin Tobacco, etc. belong to the red tobacco. folded tanning It refers to the tobacco leaves that are first piled up and covered with yellow during preparation, and then sun-dried. It can be used as a raw material for dry tobacco and is extremely valuable. For example, Jiaohe, Jilin Province, etc., belong to covering and drying tobacco. folding air-cured tobacco Air-cured tobacco has light-colored air-cured tobacco (Burley, Maryland) and dark air-cured tobacco, both of which are in the shade Dry in a ventilated place. Among them, burley, Maryland and cigar-covered tobacco are unique and have become a class of their own. However, in my country, except for Burley tobacco as a single type of tobacco*, all other air-cured tobacco*, including cigar-wrapped tobacco, Maryland tobacco and other traditional air-cured tobacco, belong to the type of air-cured tobacco. Cigars wrapped in leaf tobacco. Cigar-covered tobacco is usually cultivated in shade and has broad leaves. The middle and lower tobacco leaves are thin and light after drying, with fine veins, fine texture, strong elasticity, uniform gray-brown or brown color, and good combustion, which can be used as raw materials for cigar wrapping leaves. The production of cigars in my country began at the beginning of this century. Cigar-wrapped tobacco is mainly produced in Sichuan and Zhejiang. The countries that produce cigars in the world mainly include Cuba, the Philippines, Indonesia, and the United States. Maryland tobacco is light-colored air-cured tobacco, which has the characteristics of strong resistance, wide adaptability, large and thin leaves, good smoldering and fragrant taste, so when it is mixed with other types of tobacco leaves, it can improve the shade of cigarettes. Combustible, without disturbing the aroma and taste. The tar and nicotine contents of Maryland tobacco are lower than that of flue-cured and burley tobacco, and the filling performance is stronger. Therefore, in the mixed cigarette, due to its addition, not only the proportion of oriental tobacco can be reduced, but also the proportion of flue-cured tobacco and burley tobacco can be maintained. The main producer of Maryland tobacco in the world is the United States, which is concentrated in Maryland. In my country, with the development of hybrid cigarettes, Maryland cigarettes have been introduced for trial cultivation in recent years, and a small amount of them has been produced in Hubei and other places. Traditional air-cured tobacco. The area of ​​traditional air-cured tobacco in my country is relatively small, and there is a small amount of production in Wuming in Guangxi and Yongsheng in Yunnan. The cultivation method of Wuming air-cured tobacco is basically the same as that of sun-dried tobacco, but the preparation method is to hang the whole tobacco in a cool and ventilated place, and then stack, process and ferment the tobacco leaves after drying. The modulated tobacco leaves are dark brown, full of oil, strong elasticity, full of taste and good burning performance. Folded Burley Burley tobacco is a mutant of the Maryland dark-cured tobacco variety. In 1864, a farm in Brown County, Ohio, USA first discovered a milky yellow mutant tobacco plant in the Maryland broadleaf tobacco seedbed. Now it has become an important raw material for mixed cigarettes. The stems and veins of Burley tobacco are milky white, which is very different from other tobaccos*. Its cultivation method is similar to flue-cured tobacco, but requires large and thin leaves in the middle and lower parts, which is suitable for planting on more fertile soil and requires higher nitrogen nutrition. Burley tobacco is rapidly produced, mature and concentrated, and is harvested in batches or the whole plant. The modulation method is to hang it in a drying shed or drying room to dry. Burley tobacco has higher nicotine and total nitrogen content than flue-cured tobacco, lower sugar content, thinner leaves, strong elasticity, high filling power, strong smoldering fire retention, and good absorption capacity, which is easy to absorb when rolling. Topping. The country producing burley tobacco in the world is mainly the United States, followed by Italy, Spain, South Korea, Mexico, Malawi and the Philippines. Burley tobacco in my country was introduced and developed after liberation, and the cultivation areas are relatively large in Hubei and Sichuan provinces. folded oriental tobacco Oriental-style tobacco is also known as Turkish-type tobacco or oriental-type tobacco. The characteristics of this type of smoke are that the plant type and leaves are small, aromatic, delicious, easy to burn and strong filling. It is an important raw material for the aroma type and mixed type of sun-cured tobacco, and it is also used in pipe tobacco. The aroma of oriental tobacco mainly comes from its glandular hair secretions or exudates. Its aroma is closely related to soil, climate and cultivation measures. It is suitable for planting on hillside sandy soil with less organic matter, low fertility and thin soil layer. In production, the leaves of oriental tobacco are required to be small and thick, so the planting density is high, and the amount of fertilizer is generally small. In particular, nitrogen fertilizer should be controlled, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be properly applied without topping. Tobacco leaves are of the best quality and are harvested in stages from bottom to top. The preparation method is to dry it first until it withers and turns yellow, and then expose it to the sun. The content of nicotine is low, and other chemical components are between flue-cured tobacco and sunburned tobacco. The history of oriental tobacco began about a hundred years after the discovery of the American continent, and the main producing areas were in the eastern Mediterranean coast. It was introduced and planted in my country in the 1950s, and has been produced in Xinchang in Zhejiang, Yunyang in Hubei, Ruyang in Henan, Xinjiang, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong, Hainan, Shaanxi and other places. folded yellow smoke The fundamental difference between the common flower tobacco and the above-mentioned types of tobacco* is that they belong to different species in plant taxonomy, and their biological characters are very different. Generally, the plant height is 50-100cm, with 10-15 leaves. The leaves are small, oval or heart-shaped, with petioles; the flowers are green and yellow, and the seeds are also large; the growth period is short, and it is cold-resistant, and is mostly planted at high latitudes. , high altitudes and areas with short frost-free periods. Generally, the total nicotine, total nitrogen and protein content of yellow flower tobacco are higher, while the sugar content is lower, and the smoke is strong. According to research, it was cultivated in Mexico before Columbus discovered the New World. Its origin is in the plateaus of Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador, and it is now widely planted in western Asia. The former Soviet Union planted the most yellow-flowered tobacco, and they were called toadstools. my country has a long history of cultivating yellow flower tobacco, and it is widely distributed. The main producing areas are in Xinjiang, Gansu and Heilongjiang. Among the products, Lanzhou Shisha, Guandong Toad and Ili Toad are the most famous. In some countries, such as the United States, although yellow flower tobacco is grown, it is not used for smoking, but only for the manufacture of nicotine sulfate. folded smoke Also known as open fire-cured tobacco, it is one of the ancient methods of preparing tobacco leaves in the Americas. The method is to directly make a coal fire or firewood in the room, and hang the tobacco leaves in the roasting room to directly contact the fire, so it is called fumigation. Tobacco leaves are in direct contact with smoke, the color is dark after modulation, and has a special aroma such as a strong creosote. It is used as one of the raw materials in cigarettes, and is also used in the production of chewing tobacco, snuff and cigars. Smoked varieties generally use dark air-cured tobacco varieties, and sometimes flue-cured tobacco varieties are also used. It is suitable for more sticky soil during cultivation. The row and plant spacing are large and the topping is low. There are 12-16 leaves, and its chemical composition is nitrogen. High in substances, especially nicotine, and low in sugar.

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