What does Strawberry Tea do


What does Strawberry  tea do

1. Oral inflammation 

anti inflammatory pain, is one of the basic biological effects of flavonoids Rubus Parvifolius, flavonoids throat function, mainly through anti inflammatory pain and promote tissue regeneration.

2. Respiratory Inflammation 

of the most potent antibacterial and anti inflammatory agents is flavonoids found in Rubus Parvifolius. It can reduce the participation of inflammatory cells, activate red blood cells, increase the content of hemoglobin, improve the utilization of oxygen, reduce chronic inflammation of Bronchi, and greatly enhance the body’s immune function. Therefore, crabapple can effectively prevent and assist in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis.

3. Gastroenteritis 

  Berry tea in the domestic and foreign actual research and application, gastritis, gastric ulcer, patients take Maoyanberry, stomach, pain, gradually disappear; most patients insist on taking Maoyanberry, ulcer healing, Helicobacter Pylori, infection, turn negative, at the same time, diarrhea, hiccups, stomach cold, stomach acid and other symptoms improved.

Learn more about the tea smoke  :internationalcigarette.com

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