Quenching Thirst Runzao: Osmanthus Oolong Tea


Autumn, fade the hot summer, Autumn Wind blowing. As the weather becomes drier and drier, do you feel your skin becoming dry, your mouth becoming dry, your throat becoming uncomfortable and your voice becoming hoarse when you wake up. Autumn Health Care, you need to drink a cup of tea.

different seasons to drink different tea, in the autumn, the body is prone to lack of water, “Autumn Drying”easy to hurt the lungs, we should drink some of the tea with lung function.

Thirst Quenching Runzao: Osmanthus Oolong Tea 

if you have on fire or voice hoarse symptoms, you can drink Osmanthus Oolong tea. Osmanthus has the effect of eliminating Halitosis and keeping oral health, while oolong contains minerals such as calcium and iron, which can not only supply energy for human body but also inhibit the accumulation of fat. Osmanthus Oolong Tea can quench thirst Runzao, and can lose weight, is a good Autumn Tea oh! 

heat detoxification: honeysuckle Green Tea 

autumn easy fire, leading to dry mouth, dry stool, urine yellow, at this time the body is to remind you that you need to discharge heat poison. Honeysuckle has qingrejiedu effect, Green Tea Qingre, diuretic dehumidification, honeysuckle, green tea each select 6 grams, boiled water brewing, can be drunk. This tea can not only prevent the dry autumn, on the throat swelling pain, dizziness headache also has a certain effect oh!

Learn more about the tea smoke  :internationalcigarette.com


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