Effects of smoking on sexual function

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    Smoking is more harmful to sexual function and has been shown to affect sexual function.  Smoking first presents its neurological effects. Although it has a temporary stimulant effect, it is followed by a long-term sedative and inhibitory effect, so smoking can cause neurological inhibition and thus cause erectile dysfunction.  In addition, nicotine in cigarettes has an inhibitory effect on the autonomic nerve, which can cause erectile dysfunction.   

    The effects of smoking on erectile function can be divided into acute and chronic aspects.  In acute aspect, after smoking can cause sympathetic nerve excitement, lead to norepinephrine and adrenaline secretion increase, and these two kinds of endocrine hormones have the effect of vasoconstriction, can cause the blood supply of penile artery to reduce, thus affecting erectile function.  Among the chronic effects, long-term smoking will lead to sclerosis and stenosis of blood vessels, and also cause an increase in blood viscosity, which affects the blood supply of penile vessels and causes erectile dysfunction.  

     After smoking, in addition to the increase of adrenaline and norepinephrine, the level of nitric oxide in the cavernous body of the penis decreases, which can also lead to erectile dysfunction.  Smoking also affects the interstitial cells of the testes, which secrete androgens and can cause erectile dysfunction.  Therefore, patients are required to abstain from smoking and alcohol in daily life to protect sexual function.  But quitting is painful. Is there a way to satisfy cravings without compromising sexual function? Sure,you can try chayan. It's made with tea and Traditional Chinese Medicine ,(more information )


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