Detoxifying and reducing fat —— Herbal Tea


Many people are familiar with the benefits of natural plants. For example, Taiwan’s popular herbal tea, herbaceous plant, is made from fermented Oolong Tea, Cassia seed, Lotus leaves, Hawthorn, rose hips and cumin, with a very good intestinal detoxification, thin abdomen and weight loss effect, has the effect of inhibiting fat absorption!

modern people’s Diet life, often have a high proportion of body fat, and excessive absorption of fat will not only cause obesity, but also the main cause of many chronic diseases. 

the endless entertainment, greasy food surrounded themselves, what to do? Herbal tea is a great antidote to greasy foods. 

is ideal for people who are sedentary, have blood blockages in the upper and lower body that lead to obesity, and stay up late and are exposed to computer radiation.

herbal tea is rich in vitamins, amino acids, organic acids and other ingredients, can inhibit the oxidation of Lipoprotein, with anti-aging effect.

general once with warm water bubble 3-5 G, according to personal taste to add the right amount of sugar or honey can be, long-term drinking plant tixian herbal tea also has a good weight loss effect!

Learn more about the tea smoke

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