新闻 — health

Korea has been no. 1 in the world for 8 years in a row and lost it after all. Why do Koreans always break the defense?

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Korea has been no. 1 in the world for 8 years in a row and lost it after all. Why do Koreans always break the defense?

    South Korea is a small country with a total population of just over 50 million, even smaller than that of some Chinese provinces.       But it is obvious to all, their Korean, self-esteem is very strong, often not in the broken defense, is in the broken defense on the road, and also very like to touch porcelain, is why?       South Korea is no longer the world's largest consumer of instant noodles.   Since 2013, South Korea has consistently topped the world in per-capita instant noodle consumption.       It is well known...

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Russia and Ukraine, fighting for the "last city"!

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Russia and Ukraine, fighting for the "last city"!

Russia-ukraine fighting has been going on for more than four months.  Continuing the momentum of recent days, the Russian army has further squeezed the Ukrainian space in Luhansk.  There is only one remaining city in luhansk that is not yet under Russian control.   A secret base for foreign mercenaries in Ukraine was revealed by the BBC on Thursday.  The base is housed in a World War II-era air raid bunker.  Foreign mercenaries told reporters that they were dissatisfied with the way weapons were distributed.  On June 23, a former U.S. Marine posted a video via social media that provides a first-look look at...

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The efficacy and role of Longjing tea


The efficacy and role of Longjing tea

Longjing tea is a kind of tea. There are still many tea lovers who like to drink Longjing tea. Longjing tea is most famous for West Lake Longjing, and the price is not too cheap. Longjing tea has many uses for people's health care, but some people are not very clear about the efficacy and function of Longjing tea, then, what are the effects and functions of Longjing tea? What are the effects and functions of Longjing tea The effect of Longjing tea is refreshing, promoting body fluid, and quenching thirst, and it has a certain auxiliary therapeutic effect in...

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Hypolipidemic food


1. Alpha linolenic acid rich foods, eating foods rich in Alpha linolenic acid can effectively reduce blood lipids. ALPHA-LINOLENIC ACID is effective in breaking down excess body fat. There is a section of Canon flax instant powder, rich in 25% linolenic acid, decomposition of fat, blood fat and weight loss effect is obvious. 2. FUNGUS: Ganoderma Lucidum, mushroom and fungus, Ganoderma lucidum single or combined with hypolipidemic drugs can reduce serum cholesterol, triglyceride and Low-density Lipoprotein, increase high-density Lipoprotein. It can also reduce the whole blood viscosity and plasma viscosity, improve hemorheology. Lingzhi mushroom’s liver protective effects may prevent or...

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Effect and function of Gynostemma Pentaphyllum tea


In many people’s eyes, Gynostemma Pentaphyllum is a kind of Chinese medicine, but they don’t know that it is a kind of plant with the same origin as medicine and food. After it is picked and dried in the sun, it can not only be used as medicine, but also be made into a health tea for people to brew and drink, after people drink can absorb rich nutrition, can also prevent three high, it is to improve the level of human health has great benefits.  Gynostemma Pentaphyllum is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, which is called Southern Ginseng....

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