Pu'er tea

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I am a person who especially likes drinking Pu'er tea. I don't know why I like it. Just like people who love to drink, I have no immunity to good wine. People who don't like Pu'er tea in this mood can't understand. Writing this post is also emotional, why? After drinking Pu-erh tea for more than ten years, I realized because of a trip to the tea hills that the Pu-erh tea I drank before was fake, and I was stunned. Why do you say that? It has to be said from a year ago that my friends and I love Pu-erh tea very much, and we have a lot of various kinds of Pu-erh tea in our house. Finally, we have the opportunity to come to Iceland, the main producing area of ​​Pu-erh tea. It was the first time I ran so far to a strange town, and I was a little excited and worried, but luckily I met the Xiaoyu family. After getting acquainted with it, I chatted with Xiaoyu's family very speculatively. I showed Xiaoyu the ancient Icelandic tree Pu'er that I brought with me, and Xiaoyu also showed me his tea. After drinking Iceland for more than ten years, I am confident that I still understand Pu-erh tea very well. The Iceland I brought with me is also the authentic Icelandic ancient tree tea I bought after comparing it in many tea shops before, and it tastes good. Xiaoyu also drank the Icelandic tea I brought, and said that this tea is okay, but it is not the real Icelandic ancient tree material. It is quite different from her family's ancient tree tea. When I heard this, I was very angry. I thought that I would just praise myself for selling Pu’er tea. How can I say that other people’s tea is not good. No matter how good my own is, I don’t want to say that others are not good. I have a more temperament. Straight, couldn't help but ask. I said, I have been drinking ancient tree Pu'er tea for so many years, and I have compared it with many others. I have always been cautious, how could I buy fake ones? Xiaoyu's father said, don't worry, let's try the Iceland made by her family. After that, he poured me a cup of tea. After I drank it, I was speechless. It was so delicious, especially the first sip. The aroma was indescribably wonderful. I was immediately amazed. It can be said that it refreshed my understanding of Icelandic tea. Authentic rock candy rhyme! I'm a little less confident. I don't know if I don't compare it myself. I really don't blame people for saying that.

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