world tobacco

marshmallow leaf

The first ambassador to use tobacco as a medicine - In 1560, when tobacco was not yet popular, Jean Nico, the French ambassador to Portugal, sent it home as a medicine for many diseases. Hundreds of years later, chemists have finally revealed that the misused curative drug in tobacco is a harmful substance and named it nicotine. The first person to grow tobacco on a large scale - in 1612, the British colonial officer John Rolfe planted tobacco on a large scale in Jamestown, Virginia, and started the tobacco trade. The first commander-in-chief who replaced money with tobacco - in 1776, during the American Revolutionary War, the British army captured New York, and the US commander-in-chief Washington called on the Americans to help his army: "Citizens, if you don't give money, give tobacco. First Article Pointing Out Tobacco Harmful - In 1924, Reader's Digest published an article titled: "Does Tobacco Damage Human Health? "The first doctor to write that smoking causes cancer - in 1927, British doctor F. E. Tilden wrote in the medical journal, The Scalpel: Every lung cancer patient he saw or heard had smoked. The first president to give special treatment to tobacco growers - in 1942, during World War II, President Roosevelt declared tobacco an important crop, and its growers were suspended from military service. The first person to propose that passive smoking is harmful ——In 1986, U.S. health official West Everett Cooper proposed that non-smokers who live in the smog face serious health risks.

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