golden leaf tea

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Drinking tea is our long-standing tradition. Drinking tea has many benefits for the human body, and even has a certain auxiliary therapeutic effect on certain diseases. Gold leaf tea is one of them. Gold leaf tea contains natural protein and tea. Polysaccharide, golden leaf tea belongs to a rare type of tea. It is very sweet and delicious. So, what are the edible effects of golden leaf tea? The edible effect of golden leaf tea? Golden leaf tea, with thorny tea plants, is a rare herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family that grows exclusively in Fushan, Lianzhou. It can be used in tea and medicine. Gold leaf tea is naturally rich in protein and tea polysaccharides, and is a rare tea species with a sweet taste and a more unique taste than ordinary tea leaves. Due to the unique geographical environment, climate, and soil characteristics of Fushan, Lianzhou, golden leaf tea has only survived in Fushan, Lianzhou so far. Pharmacological studies of China Pharmaceutical University have confirmed that the water and alcohol extracts of the young leaves of golden leaf tea have a significant antihypertensive effect on blood pressure in rabbits, and at the same time, the breathing is accelerated and deepened, but has no significant effect on heart rate and electrocardiogram; Promotes gastrointestinal motility in mice and significantly prolongs the survival time of normobaric hypoxia in mice. Among them, the pharmacological activity of the water extract is more prominent. It has been reported that tea polysaccharides and total flavonoids have the functions of lowering blood pressure, anti-cancer, antibacterial, diuretic and protecting vascular permeability, anti-inflammatory, anti-coagulation, dilating coronary arteries and improving blood circulation, protecting liver and gallbladder, and lowering cholesterol. Who can't drink Fu tea? Pregnant women are best not to drink Fu tea. It is necessary to know that Fu tea contains a lot of tea polyphenols, caffeine and other substances, which will affect the fetus and affect the growth and development of the fetus; women should not drink Fu tea when breastfeeding, because Fu tea The caffeine in it will enter the milk, and this substance will enter the child's body through the milk, which can easily cause insomnia in the baby. Patients with arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure should not drink Fu tea, which is easy to aggravate the disease. At the same time, vegetarian patients should also consume Fu tea in small amounts to avoid symptoms of malnutrition.

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