E-CIGARETTES -- healthy cigarettes e-cigarettes -- healthy cigarette alternatives?

Electronic cigarette

In the last two years, e-cigarettes have become very popular among young people. While e-cigarette merchants and boosters boast that “E-cigarettes are a great way to quit smoking”, “E-cigarettes are not addictive”and “E-cigarettes do not contain tar and are not harmful to health”, medical and scientific institutions take the opposite attitude towards e-cigarettes. 

for the first time, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) plans to introduce new types of tobacco products, such as e-cigarettes, into special legal regulation, following a public consultation by Miit on amendments to the implementation regulations of the Tobacco Monopoly Law, means that the E-CIGARETTE health and safety risk management can not rely on the situation will be resolved. Predictably, the debate over e-cigarettes is finally over.

so is e cigarettes a relatively healthy alternative to cigarettes? Today let the Chinese Internet joint refutes the rumor platform to tell you this matter.


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