The effects of Rattan tea


1. Improve immunity this is one of the main functions of ampelopsis GROSSEDENTATA. By moistening the lung, clearing the liver, clearing the heart, tonifying the spleen and consolidating the kidney, we can eliminate the blood poison, improve the blood quality, restore the normal physiological function of the Five zang-organs, and strengthen the immunity of the human body.

2. Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Rattan  tea has to prevent arteriosclerosis and blood lipids, blood sugar, improve myocardial ISCHEMIA and so on, so for some cardiovascular diseases, drinking a little rattan tea can be timely prevention.

3. The anti-inflammatory and bactericidal Rattan tea also has a variety of natural medicinal ingredients. It can eliminate various sensitive bacteria and pathogenic bacteria in the human body, and can prevent the proliferation of inflammation in the human body, people drink it in water to inhibit the activity of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Beta hemolytic STREPTOCOCCI, as well as E. coli and Shigella, can also make the human gastroenteritis and Laryngitis and tracheitis of the disease is very happy to reduce.

4. Anti-aging because Rattan  tea contains a lot of flavonoid, it is very high to the free radical clearance rate, can reduce oxidative damage in the body, has anti-aging effect, drinking a little rattan tea in your daily life can slow down the aging process.

5. Dihydromyricetin, the effective component of hypolipidemic ampelopsis Grossedentata, has the function of anti-oxygen free radical, can inhibit the formation of thrombus in Vivo, and has the unique effect on hypolipidemic. Total flavonoids have the properties of reducing blood lipid, anti-arteriosclerosis and inhibiting fatty liver formation.

6. Liver-protecting Rattan  tea contains abundant flavone dihydromyricetin, which has obvious liver-protecting effect and inhibiting fatty liver formation. Kill. Improved sleep vine tea does not contain caffeine, which has a stimulating effect of compounds, but also can improve the quality of sleep, promote sleep. So it is an ideal substitute for those who like to drink tea, but are worried about the quality of their sleep after drinking tea.

Learn more about the tea smoke

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