type of tobacco

natural herbal cigarettes

There are 66 varieties of tobacco. But there are only two varieties cultivated and eaten by people: one is common tobacco, also known as safflower tobacco, which is an annual or two- or three-year-old herb. This tobacco should be grown in warmer regions. One is Nicotiana tabacum, also known as Nicotiana tabacum, which is an annual or biennial herb. This tobacco has strong cold tolerance and is suitable for cultivation in low temperature areas. In addition, there is a white-flowered tobacco cultivated by Chileans, with green leaves and white flowers, which is very beautiful. It is only used as an ornamental flower in foreign countries, and it is generally not listed in the scope of tobacco. Except for a small amount of yellow-flowered tobacco in the north, most of the tobacco cultivated in our country is ordinary tobacco. In most places, people eat tobacco leaves, so as a commodity, tobacco is also called tobacco leaves. Tobacco can be divided into many varieties, the United States is currently divided into five categories. According to the variety characteristics, cultivation conditions, preparation methods, and main uses of various tobaccos cultivated in my country from ancient times to the present, they are mainly divided into the following six categories: Air-cured tobacco: This variety is produced in a wide area and has the longest planting history. worldwide. This is the earliest tobacco variety introduced into my country. Tobacco found in the early days is like yellow-flowered tobacco, collectively called sun-cured tobacco, commonly known as native tobacco. The method of processing tobacco products is also relatively simple. Generally, the mature tobacco leaves grown in the field, picked and tied, hung under the eaves to dry, and then become tobacco leaves, which are made by hand into cigars and shredded tobacco. Simple smoking sets are used. suction. There are two ways of production and consumption: one is that farmers grow and smoke themselves, or sell a small amount; the other is large-scale production of air-cured tobacco for the manufacture of tobacco products, such as cigars, cut tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco, etc. . Air-cured tobacco can also be used in small quantities to produce cigarettes. However, it is spicy and irritating, and its consumption scope is narrow. After research and trial planting, many high-quality tobacco leaf varieties have been successfully cultivated, and the quality of the original sun-cured tobacco has been improved at the same time, and local air-cured tobacco with its own characteristics has been formed. Flue-cured Tobacco: Originating in Virginia, USA, it is called Virginia-type flue-cured tobacco internationally, also known as American Tobacco. Since this kind of tobacco is heated and baked with a fire tube installed in the roasting room, the exact name is called flue-cured tobacco. After the tobacco leaves are roasted, the leaves are golden in color, bright in luster and mellow in flavor. They are the main raw materials for the production of cigarettes in countries around the world. Its production accounts for more than 40% of the world's total tobacco. The main raw material of flue-cured cigarettes is flue-cured tobacco, and other types of tobacco products also require

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