Quitting cigarettes suddenly, is it "beneficial" or "harmful"?

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The warning that smoking is harmful to health is reflected in every cigarette pack, but very few people actually quit cigarettes because of this. In order to encourage citizens to quit smoking, the country has tried various methods, such as: in public places Setting up smoking cessation warning signs, filming smoking cessation public service advertisements, and going door-to-door to publicize the knowledge that smoking is harmful to health seems to be effective, but the actual implementation has little effect. In order to urge citizens to quit smoking, the national government intends to raise the price of cigarettes, but it is strongly rejected by many smokers. Smoking cessation is the most direct and feasible way to repair damaged tissues and protect lung health, and should be supported by citizens across the country . Experts in the medical field said: Smoking cessation is a beneficial behavior for the body. After successfully quitting smoking, the body can reduce the incidence of various chronic diseases and basic metabolic diseases, improve the autoimmune mechanism and immune function, maintain the acid-base balance in the body, resist the Invasion of cancer cells. The reason why smoking cessation is harmful to health is because there will be obvious withdrawal reactions in the body during the process of smoking cessation. People who quit smoking often show: nausea and vomiting, decreased appetite, indigestion, dizziness, headache, palpitation and chest tightness, decreased sleep quality, insomnia. More dreams, irritability, inability to concentrate, decreased work and study efficiency, dry mouth and bitterness and other abnormal manifestations, thus increasing the difficulty of quitting smoking and failing to quit smoking. Gradually reduce the amount of smoking until you completely quit cigarettes, giving the body time to adapt and improving the success rate of smoking cessation. From a substantive point of view, although there will be obvious withdrawal reactions in the process of quitting smoking, as long as you stick to it, the benefits of successfully quitting cigarettes will definitely be more than long-term smoking, and your body will be rejuvenated from the inside out. , improve the quality of the body, and enjoy a more relaxed and pleasant life.

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