Chinese date, Longan and medlar tea


People with Yang deficiency, cold hands and feet in autumn and winter, should drink stomach-warming tea:

Ginger Black Tea

ginger contains a variety of active ingredients, with the role of removing dampness and promoting blood circulation, stomach-warming effect, ginger tea for the treatment of a slight cold. Black tea is warm in nature and good at warming the stomach to drive away cold. It can dissolve phlegm, eliminate food and open the stomach. It is suitable for people with deficiency of the spleen and stomach. Combination of the two, the role of warming the stomach better. 

red date Longan Wolfberry Tea

Chinese wolfberry, red date, Longan can be used to enrich the blood, Chinese wolfberry can eyesight, Runfei. Jujube is rich in vitamins and iron elements, with spleen and stomach, blood function. Brown sugar has the effect of strengthening the spleen and warming the stomach, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Adding the right amount of brown sugar makes the tea taste better. Yin Deficiency Physique, often feel dry mouth and tongue, suitable for drinking green tea, White Tea, scented tea, while with ophiopogon japonicus, lily, jade foot and other modulation drink, play a role in supplementing water and whitening.

Dan Shen Medlar rose tea

rose gentle, can warm the heart and blood, Shufa Body Qi, play calm, pacify, anti-depression effect. Danshen 3 grams, 6 medlar, two roses, boiling water bubble. This tea has the effect of invigorating Qi and promoting blood circulation, nourishing Yin and tranquilizing the mind. It is suitable for people with myocardial ischemia, insomnia and forgetfulness, and dull complexion.

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