The power of brown sugar ginger tea


Brown sugar, Ginger, tea for your period. The composition of brown sugar ginger tea is mainly ginger and brown sugar, ginger has the function of warming the Meridians and dispersing cold, expelling cold, expelling cold, nourishing blood, strengthening spleen and stomach, expelling wind and cold, activating blood circulation and removing stasis. But the physique deficient cold female May, the physique produces the hot female not to be possible.

1. Improve gastrointestinal function brown sugar ginger tea can dispel the cold in the intestines and stomach, can relieve stomach cold, can also stimulate the stomach and stomach, speed up gastrointestinal peristalsis, improve gastrointestinal digestion function, to human often appeared stomach cold, stomach pain and DYSPEPSIA, etc. , it has a conditioning effect.

2. Improve Menstrual Discomfort Brown sugar ginger tea has the effect of promoting blood circulation, can activate Qi and blood, make the blood circulation in the body faster, suitable for menstrual women to drink, can relieve symptoms such as less menstruation due to cold and dampness stagnation, delayed menstruation, dysmenorrhea, Amenorrhea, etc. , it’s a good way to warm the Meridians and dissipate the cold.

3. To prevent a cold, people usually drink more brown sugar ginger tea, which not only can replenish rich nutrition for the body, but also can prevent the occurrence of colds. especially in the season when cold and flu are frequent, people drink more brown sugar ginger tea, which can reduce the incidence of colds, in addition, people in outdoor activities, if the body cold, go home to drink more brown sugar ginger tea, can make the body sweat and thus reduce the occurrence of cold.

4. Detoxification often drink some brown sugar ginger tea, can promote the body detoxification function, daily life often drink brown sugar ginger tea, is not easy to gain weight, but also to help eliminate the body’s cold, maintain body temperature.

5. Warm stomach and cold stomach is also caused by a cold gastrointestinal disease. The main cause of stomach cold is poor eating habits such as intemperate, often eat cold or cold food caused, coupled with a fast pace of life, mental stress, easy to lead to stomach disease. Stomach cold patient edible brown sugar Ginger Tea, has certain auxiliary dietotherapy effect.

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