Hypolipidemic food


1. Alpha linolenic acid rich foods,

eating foods rich in Alpha linolenic acid can effectively reduce blood lipids. ALPHA-LINOLENIC ACID is effective in breaking down excess body fat. There is a section of Canon flax instant powder, rich in 25% linolenic acid, decomposition of fat, blood fat and weight loss effect is obvious.

2. FUNGUS: Ganoderma Lucidum, mushroom and fungus,

Ganoderma lucidum single or combined with hypolipidemic drugs can reduce serum cholesterol, triglyceride and Low-density Lipoprotein, increase high-density Lipoprotein. It can also reduce the whole blood viscosity and plasma viscosity, improve hemorheology. Lingzhi mushroom’s liver protective effects may prevent or mitigate liver damage caused by the chemical synthesis of Lipid regulating drugs. Lingzhi mushroom’s regulation of blood lipids is the basis of its cardioprotective effect. tea

mushrooms are mainly mushrooms, mushrooms, Straw mushrooms, mushrooms and other high-quality mushroom food, is a high protein, low fat, rich in natural vitamins and health food. It has unique health care function, especially lentinus edodes. It has the function of lowering cholesterol, preventing lipid deposit in artery wall. lentinus edodes has the function of lowering blood pressure. Shiitake mushroom can be fried to replace tea for patients with hypertension.

3. You can eat more fish,

including salmon and carp is a good choice, salmon is rich in unsaturated fat, can reduce blood triglyceride levels, and can raise high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, enhance blood vessel flexibility. Among freshwater fish, carp is a highly recommended lipid-lowering food. tea

4. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, such as apples

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