The role of snow chrysanthemum tea


1, Growth Environment

      the best quality chrysanthemum grows in the sky more than two days above sea level. Pure natural environment without any pollution. And a lot of people are produced in greenhouses in the snow chrysanthemum belongs to artificial cultivation.

2. The color of the tea

      comes from the Chamomile of Ten-zan, which is mellow and bubbly. But the low elevation produces the snow chrysanthemum infuses the soup color to be cloudy, moreover the taste is not very pure also not through the bubble.

3, Aroma tea color

       Ten-zan Snow Chrysanthemum sugar content is higher, the color of the stamens is golden yellow, brewed like blood, fragrant. The artificial cultivation of the shed out of the Chrysanthemum, there is a strong taste of grass.

Learn more about the tea smoke

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