The role of black snow tea


The role of black snow  tea 

1. Anti-radiation red snow tea is rich in catechins and polyphenols, these substances can absorb radioactive substances in the body, but also reduce the body’s attraction to radioactive substances, anti-radiation effect is very obvious, usually most suitable for those who have long-term contact with computers or radioactive substances to drink the crowd.

2. Qinggan Mingmu Red Snow tea contains many kinds of amino acids and many kinds of beneficial nutrients, such as caprylic acid, flake acid and snow tea acid, which can nourish the liver and improve the detoxification function of the liver, in addition, red snow tea also contains some vitamin A, it can improve retinal function, but also to prevent vision loss, regular drinking can protect the eyes, reduce the occurrence of a variety of eye diseases.

3. Qingrejiedu Hongxue  tea  can clear away the hot poison in the human body, can relieve intestinal dryness and constipation, and can prevent the occurrence of various symptoms of being on fire. In addition, brewing and drinking hongxue tea at ordinary times can generate body fluid, quench thirst and moisten the lungs, it also has some relief for common diseases such as bronchitis or cough in humans.

4. Cancer Prevention Red Snow tea contains not only catechins but also some theaflavins and thearubigins. These substances can be absorbed by the body to prevent gene mutation and cell Carcinogenesis, at the same time they can also inhibit the formation of carcinogens Nitrosamine, so usually drink more black snow tea can play a significant role in cancer prevention and anti-cancer.

Learn more about the tea smoke

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