
Reject tobacco, first recommend tea cigarettes

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Reject tobacco, first recommend tea cigarettes

World No Tobacco Day Rejecting Tobacco Harm Tobacco dependence is a chronic disease. According to the latest statistics of the World Health Organization, smoking has become the second global killer after high blood pressure. Every year, 5 million people in the world die from smoking-related diseases. China is the largest tobacco consumer. There are currently 320 million smokers. Every year, 1 million people die from smoking in my country. The average life expectancy of smokers is shortened by 10 years, and their families are also deeply affected by second-hand smoke. Smoking is one of the most serious public health problems...

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world tobacco

marshmallow leaf

world tobacco

The first ambassador to use tobacco as a medicine - In 1560, when tobacco was not yet popular, Jean Nico, the French ambassador to Portugal, sent it home as a medicine for many diseases. Hundreds of years later, chemists have finally revealed that the misused curative drug in tobacco is a harmful substance and named it nicotine. The first person to grow tobacco on a large scale - in 1612, the British colonial officer John Rolfe planted tobacco on a large scale in Jamestown, Virginia, and started the tobacco trade. The first commander-in-chief who replaced money with tobacco - in...

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golden leaf tea

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golden leaf tea

Drinking tea is our long-standing tradition. Drinking tea has many benefits for the human body, and even has a certain auxiliary therapeutic effect on certain diseases. Gold leaf tea is one of them. Gold leaf tea contains natural protein and tea. Polysaccharide, golden leaf tea belongs to a rare type of tea. It is very sweet and delicious. So, what are the edible effects of golden leaf tea? The edible effect of golden leaf tea? Golden leaf tea, with thorny tea plants, is a rare herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family that grows exclusively in Fushan, Lianzhou. It can be...

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The efficacy and role of Longjing tea


The efficacy and role of Longjing tea

Longjing tea is a kind of tea. There are still many tea lovers who like to drink Longjing tea. Longjing tea is most famous for West Lake Longjing, and the price is not too cheap. Longjing tea has many uses for people's health care, but some people are not very clear about the efficacy and function of Longjing tea, then, what are the effects and functions of Longjing tea? What are the effects and functions of Longjing tea The effect of Longjing tea is refreshing, promoting body fluid, and quenching thirst, and it has a certain auxiliary therapeutic effect in...

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Hypolipidemic food


1. Alpha linolenic acid rich foods, eating foods rich in Alpha linolenic acid can effectively reduce blood lipids. ALPHA-LINOLENIC ACID is effective in breaking down excess body fat. There is a section of Canon flax instant powder, rich in 25% linolenic acid, decomposition of fat, blood fat and weight loss effect is obvious. 2. FUNGUS: Ganoderma Lucidum, mushroom and fungus, Ganoderma lucidum single or combined with hypolipidemic drugs can reduce serum cholesterol, triglyceride and Low-density Lipoprotein, increase high-density Lipoprotein. It can also reduce the whole blood viscosity and plasma viscosity, improve hemorheology. Lingzhi mushroom’s liver protective effects may prevent or...

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