At that moment, I understood the smoke

herbal cigarrette

For a long time, I've had a misconception that whenever I see someone looking around with a cigarette in their mouth, I don't think he's a good person. As far as I know, smoking is a personal thing, not a show for others to see. So, for a long time, whenever I saw someone like that, I sneered. Maybe there is such a psychological suggestion, whenever I see someone smoking, I will stare at him a few times, and then leave. This kind of thinking has been binding me for many years, until one day, I also started smoking, so I really understood the philosophy about smoking. Tobacco is both good and bad, so I don't know how to evaluate it objectively. When I was young, my family grew tobacco leaves. At that time, it was relatively avant-garde in the countryside. Many people are afraid to try it, but our family is the first to grow tobacco leaves. We not only grow tobacco, but also flue-cured tobacco in our house. Our flue-curing room is tall and large. When the tobacco leaves are neatly placed in and roasted, what I can smell from the crack of the door is the aroma of tobacco leaves. That smell is especially good because he is the source of happiness in my family. As an adult, I got used to the days of cigarettes. In those busy days or when the pressure of life is too high, I don't like to talk to anyone, but I like to light a cigarette by myself, and then slowly puff out the clouds one by one, I feel that I am relaxed at that moment. At ease, all the sorrows have gone beyond the clouds, and what appears in front of me is a kind of pleasure and dashing. Gradually, I found that smoking is definitely a good thing, it has become a spice of life. So, I began to change the perception of smokers. No longer disgusted with them, on the contrary, I still feel that there is always an indescribable temperament in the smoker, which fascinates me. I like to curl up in a corner alone on those dark nights, and let the darkness rage endlessly, but my heart beats only for the spark in front of me. The twinkling sparks seemed to be the road signs of life, the navigation lights in the sea, and the flags on the way forward. Over the years, I have become accustomed to smoking with lights out, and only in this way can I truly understand the true meaning of smoking. If the room is bright, it might distract me from the smoke. Gradually, I summed up a lot of life philosophy from smoking. Those life issues that cannot be read can find the answer immediately after smoking. Today, I still like to be with cigarettes. Just like the ancient poets, they all smoke and play in the mountains and waters, especially those who are politically frustrated, have a special liking for the mountains and rivers. At this moment, I finally understand them. Because compared with people in the world, the landscapes in nature will not frame us, and when we get along with them, we get real reality and freedom. Not those intrigue and intrigue. For smoking, I also have the same sentiment and understanding. Because smoke will not deceive me, nor betray me, it leaves me with an interpretation of the moments of life. Isn't this the greatest wealth in life?

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