
12/2000 The benefits of Brown rice tea


12/2000  The benefits of Brown rice tea

Brown rice suitable crowd: 1, suitable for obese patients eat brown rice rich in dietary fiber, eat brown rice easy to feel full, obese patients eat brown rice, is conducive to control appetite, but also to promote gastrointestinal digestion, reduce blood fat, is conducive to weight loss. 2, suitable for high blood sugar patients to eat brown rice sugar content is not as high as rice, and more difficult to digest and absorb, help control the rising speed of blood sugar, can effectively reduce blood sugar, suitable for high blood sugar patients to eat. 3, suitable for hyperlipidemia patients eat...

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Effect and function of brown rice tea


Effect and function of brown rice tea

        Brown rice tea is a natural food therapy health care treasures, containing more than 40 kinds of complex vitamins and minerals, providing 70% of the basic nutrients, enhance the digestive system’s absorption function, reduce blood lipids and cholesterol, prevent hypertension, etc. , it’s healthy to eat often. Brown rice tea can promote the three, if you want to be healthy, metabolic function must be unobstructed, “Three links”that is, blood, urine and stool. So what are the benefits of Brown rice tea? So here’s the answer. The effect and function of Brown Rice Tea 1, Runchang Tongbianbecause...

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The power of gold leaf tea


The power of gold leaf tea

         Gold Leaf tea contains polysaccharides, amino acids, flavonoids and other compounds, but also rich in essential human zinc, selenium, Germanium and other micronutrient, there is a very obvious health effect, then which group of people suitable for drinking gold leaf tea? HYPOTENSIVE EFFECT:            China Pharmaceutical University Pharmacological Studies confirmed that the water extract and alcohol extract of Golden Leaf Tea tender leaves have significant hypotensive effect on rabbit blood pressure, while breathing faster and deeper, but on the heart rate and ECG had no significant effect; It can also promote the...

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Smoke 5


Smoke 5

Smoking articles

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Smoke 4


Smoke 4

Smoking articles

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