
Tobacco reduces coke, harm does not decrease but increases

smoking herbs to quit smoking

Tobacco reduces coke, harm does not decrease but increases

Fact 1. Low-tar cigarettes will produce compensatory smoking Wu Yiqun introduced to a reporter from China News that the nicotine in the tar decreases in an equal proportion, but addiction is caused by nicotine, and when the tar decreases, there will be several situations for smokers: smokers smoke more , smoked deeper, and smoked more frequently. After the amount of tar is reduced, the smokers will adopt "compensatory behavior" to maintain the concentration of nicotine in the blood, they will inhale deeper and more, and with the increase of the number and amount of smoking, the other harmful substances...

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Health hazards of smoking

natural herbal cigarettes

Health hazards of smoking

The effect of tobacco on the brain: Nicotine diffuses through the lung mucosa and oral mucosa to the whole body. After entering the brain, nicotine can mimic the effect of acetylcholine, a central neurotransmitter, and combine with nicotine receptors on the surface of many neurons. Nicotine has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, especially in the "reward circuit". It releases more dopamine by activating the associated nerves. The halmin and norhalmin contained in tobacco can keep the dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine in the synapse at a high level by inhibiting the activity of decomposing enzymes. As dopamine, serotonin,...

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refuse to smoke

smokable mugwort

refuse to smoke

I believe that all non-smokers and smokers know that smoking is harmful to health, but there are still hundreds of millions of smokers who know that they still smoke. In recent years, our country has been controlling the number of smokers. Not long ago, there was news that the price of cigarettes has risen on the Internet. This seems to be done to control the number of times smokers buy cigarettes, but the price of cigarettes does not seem to have increased significantly. This time, in addition to the increase in the price of cigarettes, a new situation has emerged,...

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About cigarettes

mugwort smoking dose

About cigarettes

There are more than 1400 ingredients in cigarettes. There are more than 40 kinds of carcinogens in the smoke produced by smoking, and more than ten kinds of substances that can promote the development of cancer cells. Among them, nicotine, carbon monoxide and many other harmful metal compounds are the most harmful to the human body. One cigarette contains enough nicotine to kill a sturdy guinea pig. The binding capacity of a large amount of carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke to hemoglobin is 240 to 300 times greater than that of oxygen, which seriously weakens the oxygen-carrying capacity of red...

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Pu'er tea

bear blend effects

Pu'er tea

I am a person who especially likes drinking Pu'er tea. I don't know why I like it. Just like people who love to drink, I have no immunity to good wine. People who don't like Pu'er tea in this mood can't understand. Writing this post is also emotional, why? After drinking Pu-erh tea for more than ten years, I realized because of a trip to the tea hills that the Pu-erh tea I drank before was fake, and I was stunned. Why do you say that? It has to be said from a year ago that my friends and I...

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