新闻 — smoking herbs to quit smoking

The WHO expert assessment report fully affirmed the contribution of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine to the fight against COVID-19 (2)

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The WHO expert assessment report fully affirmed the contribution of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine to the fight against COVID-19 (2)

TCM has always played a special and important role in the prevention and treatment of major epidemic situations and medical treatment of public emergencies.  The published report not only affirms the value of TCM, but also recommends that WHO encourage its member States to consider the possibility of using TCM to treat COVID-19 within their healthcare systems and regulatory frameworks.   As a matter of fact, China has been taking steps to contribute its traditional Chinese medicine to the international fight against COVID-19.  Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine has actively encouraged TCM to participate...

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Japan faces severe power shortages 37 million people are being urged to turn off their lights

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Japan faces severe power shortages 37 million people are being urged to turn off their lights

  According to Japan's NHK television reported that affected by continuous high temperature weather, Tokyo electric power company within the scope of supply power under severe conditions, the Japanese government released 27 "power supply tense alarm", called on Tokyo electric power supply company within the scope of the enterprise, family and government departments in 27, save electricity as much as possible during 15 to 18.    According to the company's web site, tepco provides power to 18 prefectures including Tokyo, Ibaraki, Saitama and Chiba.  The region is home to about a third of Japan's population.  Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Hituhiko Isozaki urged...

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Russia and Ukraine, fighting for the "last city"!

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Russia and Ukraine, fighting for the "last city"!

Russia-ukraine fighting has been going on for more than four months.  Continuing the momentum of recent days, the Russian army has further squeezed the Ukrainian space in Luhansk.  There is only one remaining city in luhansk that is not yet under Russian control.   A secret base for foreign mercenaries in Ukraine was revealed by the BBC on Thursday.  The base is housed in a World War II-era air raid bunker.  Foreign mercenaries told reporters that they were dissatisfied with the way weapons were distributed.  On June 23, a former U.S. Marine posted a video via social media that provides a first-look look at...

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Tobacco reduces coke, harm does not decrease but increases

smoking herbs to quit smoking

Tobacco reduces coke, harm does not decrease but increases

Fact 1. Low-tar cigarettes will produce compensatory smoking Wu Yiqun introduced to a reporter from China News that the nicotine in the tar decreases in an equal proportion, but addiction is caused by nicotine, and when the tar decreases, there will be several situations for smokers: smokers smoke more , smoked deeper, and smoked more frequently. After the amount of tar is reduced, the smokers will adopt "compensatory behavior" to maintain the concentration of nicotine in the blood, they will inhale deeper and more, and with the increase of the number and amount of smoking, the other harmful substances...

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Common sense of tobacco

smoking herbs to quit smoking

Common sense of tobacco

L-grass is Lataki, with a strong smoky, fragrant, and deep flavor. V grass is Fukyria, pure and gentle Burley tobacco produced in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Ohio in the United States. It is yellow-green, yellow-brown, and has a mild temperament. Its ability to absorb other scents is great, so it's a staple in any recipe. It is currently the most productive variety in the world. Black Cavendish: The only basic tobacco that is factory made from other tobaccos, it looks dark - but it tastes very mild. Cavendish tobacco is "cured" in a cycle after being flavored with sugar, maple syrup,...

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