新闻 — natural herbal cigarettes
The WHO expert assessment report fully affirmed the contribution of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine to the fight against COVID-19 (2)
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TCM has always played a special and important role in the prevention and treatment of major epidemic situations and medical treatment of public emergencies. The published report not only affirms the value of TCM, but also recommends that WHO encourage its member States to consider the possibility of using TCM to treat COVID-19 within their healthcare systems and regulatory frameworks. As a matter of fact, China has been taking steps to contribute its traditional Chinese medicine to the international fight against COVID-19. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine has actively encouraged TCM to participate...
Japan faces severe power shortages 37 million people are being urged to turn off their lights
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According to Japan's NHK television reported that affected by continuous high temperature weather, Tokyo electric power company within the scope of supply power under severe conditions, the Japanese government released 27 "power supply tense alarm", called on Tokyo electric power supply company within the scope of the enterprise, family and government departments in 27, save electricity as much as possible during 15 to 18. According to the company's web site, tepco provides power to 18 prefectures including Tokyo, Ibaraki, Saitama and Chiba. The region is home to about a third of Japan's population. Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Hituhiko Isozaki urged...
Health hazards of smoking

The effect of tobacco on the brain: Nicotine diffuses through the lung mucosa and oral mucosa to the whole body. After entering the brain, nicotine can mimic the effect of acetylcholine, a central neurotransmitter, and combine with nicotine receptors on the surface of many neurons. Nicotine has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, especially in the "reward circuit". It releases more dopamine by activating the associated nerves. The halmin and norhalmin contained in tobacco can keep the dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine in the synapse at a high level by inhibiting the activity of decomposing enzymes. As dopamine, serotonin,...
type of tobacco

There are 66 varieties of tobacco. But there are only two varieties cultivated and eaten by people: one is common tobacco, also known as safflower tobacco, which is an annual or two- or three-year-old herb. This tobacco should be grown in warmer regions. One is Nicotiana tabacum, also known as Nicotiana tabacum, which is an annual or biennial herb. This tobacco has strong cold tolerance and is suitable for cultivation in low temperature areas. In addition, there is a white-flowered tobacco cultivated by Chileans, with green leaves and white flowers, which is very beautiful. It is only used as an...