新闻 — bear blend organics


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We understand - it’s a daunting task to stop smoking. In general, you’ll experience a wide variety of symptoms when you stop smoking, which is incredibly uncomfortable and even scary.The First 3 Days of Stop Smoking Symptoms Once you put out your last cigarette - you’ll feel incredibly liberated. However, by the time your body is ready for its next dose of nicotine - you’ll start to feel a variety of symptoms that are better described as withdrawal symptoms. Let’s take a look at each. Stop Smoking Symptoms: Craving Nicotine The first stop smoking symptom is the deep urge to...

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The dangers of smoking to the lungs

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The dangers of smoking to the lungs

     Smoking is especially harmful to the lungs. When cigarettes burn, they release a lot of toxic chemicals, which can cause chronic pathological changes in bronchi or alveoli and trachea, leading to bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary heart disease, and even lung cancer.  Because smoke will lead to necrosis and shedding of epithelial cells and cilia of the bronchial mucosa, the removal ability of harmful substances will also be reduced, so it is particularly prone to infection.  There are many carcinogenic substances in smoke, so it is easy to cause the occurrence of lung cancer, is very dangerous, especially long-term smoking patients, more...

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The effect of smoking on the lungs

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The effect of smoking on the lungs

     The influence of smoking on lung is mainly reflected in the damage of cilia in respiratory tract, increase of mucus secretion and carcinogenesis      Respiratory cilia damaged: long-term smoking, causes the carbon monoxide in the smoke, nicotine, tar and other harmful substances into the respiratory system, can make the bronchial mucosa damage and pulmonary mucosa cilia, shorter, can't normal movement, thus reducing the removal of the cilia function, make a lot of toxin accumulation in the lungs, the likely lesions such as pneumonia and bronchitis.       Mucus secretion increases: long-term smoking, respiratory mucosa by cigarette harmful...

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Effects of smoking on sexual function

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Effects of smoking on sexual function

    Smoking is more harmful to sexual function and has been shown to affect sexual function.  Smoking first presents its neurological effects. Although it has a temporary stimulant effect, it is followed by a long-term sedative and inhibitory effect, so smoking can cause neurological inhibition and thus cause erectile dysfunction.  In addition, nicotine in cigarettes has an inhibitory effect on the autonomic nerve, which can cause erectile dysfunction.        The effects of smoking on erectile function can be divided into acute and chronic aspects.  In acute aspect, after smoking can cause sympathetic nerve excitement, lead to norepinephrine and adrenaline secretion...

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The WHO expert assessment report fully affirmed the contribution of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine to the fight against COVID-19 (2)

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The WHO expert assessment report fully affirmed the contribution of TRADITIONAL Chinese medicine to the fight against COVID-19 (2)

TCM has always played a special and important role in the prevention and treatment of major epidemic situations and medical treatment of public emergencies.  The published report not only affirms the value of TCM, but also recommends that WHO encourage its member States to consider the possibility of using TCM to treat COVID-19 within their healthcare systems and regulatory frameworks.   As a matter of fact, China has been taking steps to contribute its traditional Chinese medicine to the international fight against COVID-19.  Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine has actively encouraged TCM to participate...

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